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『ライティングについて、特にIndependent に関してはネイティブが書いた汎用的に使いまわせそうな英語のエッセイを丸暗記し、それを使いまわしていくことが28 点程度を確保するための最短距離だと思います。私は4 エッセイ(1 つのエッセイは3 パラグラフ構成)を丸暗記し、計12 個のパラグラフを適宜トピックに合わせはめ込み、微修正する作戦を使いました。丸暗記したものを加工するだけなので、10~15 分でエッセイを書ききることができます。この丸暗記作戦は覚えた内容をスピーキングでも使えるのでお勧めです。』



  • ネイティブの書いたTOEFL Writing Independentのサンプルエッセイの4つを一言一句完璧に丸暗記します。厳密には、各エッセイのBody3つを丸暗記する形です(つまり12個のBodyを一字一句丸暗記)。
  • TOEFL本番において、出されたお題に対して、上記で暗記した12個のBodyから2~3個をうまく組み合わせて、強引にロジックを作り(こじつけて)、回答を作り出します。




A. People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

  1. Personally, doing thing we do not care for builds character and helps us mature.
  2. Socially, we live in an interdependent world which imposes its obligations on us.
  3. Financially, people need to work – and spend – to keep our local, national and international economy growing.


B. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.

  1. Philosophically, success can be determined in myriad ways.
  2. Socially, success depends on how we treat other human beings.
  3. Personally, success can only be self-defined.


C. Why do some students study abroad?

  1. In my view, primary purpose for studying abroad is academic.
  2. From a professional view point, graduating from foreign universities is often a gateway to a successful career.
  3. From a personal angle, studying abroad enables young people to mature quickly and develop independence.


D. Some people think that family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence in young adults.

  1. Psychologically, the family is the central grounding factor for a young person, because the parents, brothers and sisters are the ones who actually love him or her.
  2. Intellectually, the family impacts the young person’s ability to think.
  3. Financially, the family influences the young person by providing a certain type of lifestyle.




例1)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

Position :  agree

Reason1 : 【Success 1】 Movies、televisionでは「成功」=「お金持ち」であることが多いが、これは「成功」の定義を間違えてyoung peopleに伝えしまう。success can be determined in myriad ways.。

Reason2 : 【Things we do not want 1】young peopleはやりたくないことがあるとMovies, television等に逃げることが多いが、 それは彼らの成長によくない。doing thing we do not care for builds character and helps us mature.

Reason3 : 【Family 2】Movies, televisionに時間をかけると家族との時間が減り、young peopleの考える力が伸びない。 the family impacts the young person’s ability to think.


例2)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities.

Position :  agree. should spend on social activities, especially on student exchange program, because good studentは留学したいと思っている。

Reason1 : 【Study abroad 1】

Reason2 : 【Study abroad 2】

Reason3 : 【Study abroad 3】


例3)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the modern world, we should never be impolite to another person.

Position :  agree. 人生で成功するためには、politeであるべき。

Reason1 : 【Success 1】 お金持ちだからと言って成功者ではない。

Reason2 : 【Success 2】 成功するためには、人に対する接し方が大事。

Reason3 : 【Things we do not want 2】私たちはinterdependent worldに生きている。





  • ネイティブが書いたエッセイ4つ(12個のBody)を一言一句丸暗記します。
  • 上記の12個のBodyの中から、お題に合わせていくつか(2~3つのBody)をうまく組み合わせてロジックを作り、エッセイを作成するイメージです。
  • そして自身が抽出したBodyに合わせて、冒頭のSummaryとConclusionを自分の力で書いていきます。ただBodyのパラグラフで十分に文字数は取れているので、SummaryとConclusionはロジックがわかりやすく、かつシンプルに記載することが重要だと思います。
  • この作戦の肝は、如何に丸暗記した12個のBodyの内容を組み合わせ、お題に対しての回答にしていくかというロジックづくり(こじつけ作り?)です。このこじつけ/ロジックさえできてしまえば、あとは暗記した分はひたすら打ち込むだけ。
  • 結果として、毎回10~15分程度でIndependentのエッセイを作成することが可能となりました。
  • Tipsとしては、リスニングのダミー問題の間に、上述した4つのエッセイ、12個のBodyの最初のセンテンスを余白に記載しておき、ロジックを作り出すスピードを上げることです。また紙に記載しておく(目に見える形とする)ことで、スピーキングでの回答にも応用可能です(丸暗記した時点で口頭でも暗記した内容を話せるようになっているはずです)。




A. People should sometimes do things that they donot enjoy doing.

Life is challenging. In order to be happy and successful, we need to prepare ourselves on many fronts. Although participating in enjoyable activities is always desirable, in my view it is also necessary at times to do things we do not enjoy. The bases for my view are personal, social and financial.

Personally, doing things we don’t care for builds character and helps us mature. For instance, when parents have their first baby they are forced to give up their freedom in order to look after the child. There are times when parents barely get enough sleep and still have to get up and go to work in the morning. Similarly, when students are in school and university, they need to spend a lot of time studying. In spite of being tempted to go out with friends and attend parties, those who have self-control and keep their priorities straight are the ones who get high grades. Through such life experiences people become stronger, wiser and more responsible.

From a social perspective, we live in an interdependent world which imposes its obligations on us. Each person belongs to diverse social groups and plays various social roles. Each of us has to attend birthday parties, weddings and funerals to show we care about our fellow human beings. Participating in events for the sake of others teaches us to go beyond our own selfish needs and to share in the joys and sorrows of others.

Financially-speaking, people need to work - and spend - to keep the local, national and international economy growing. We need to support our own family in particular and our community in general. In fact, most of us work many more hours than we would like to work. What propels us to continue working is our financial needs, commitments and obligations. Only in this way are we able to live comfortable lifestyles and save for our retirement days.

In conclusion, life places huge demands on us. By participating in a wide variety of activities, both pleasant and unpleasant, we can discover more about our unique selves and live fuller lives.



B. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.

It is said that money makes the world go round. We spend the majority of our waking hours at work - earning a living, providing for our families and saving for our retirement. Although money no doubt plays a critical role in determining the quality and nature of our lifestyles, in my opinion, the size of one’s paycheque is not a measure of one’s success in life. The bases of my views are philosophical, social and personal.

Philosophically, success can be defined in myriad ways. For some, success is an external concept to be measured in terms of high income, huge bank balances, fancy cars, expensive mansions, luxurious holidays, and so on. However, in my view, success is a reflection of internal human qualities, such as compassion, kindness, honesty, understanding and more. By this definition, the mere fact of earning a high income does not determine or define success.

Socially, success depends on how we treat other human beings. Do we regard others with respect or do we impose our will on them? Are we mindful of their needs and desires or do we behave selfishly? Do we encourage and support our friends, family and communities or do we insist they only follow the path we think best? It is clear that a critical aspect of success lies in the answers to such questions for they reveal the quality of relationships we share with our fellow human beings.

Personally, success can only be self-defined. My idea of success may not be the same as another person’s vision. This is as it should be. Each of us is a product of diverse social, cultural, economic, political, religious and ideological influences. When we add to that mix the free will that each of us exercises, we can understand clearly how each of us fashions his / her own aspirations for what we consider to be success in our own lives.

In conclusion, success is a concept which can be interpreted in a million different ways. Each individual’s version adds to the richness of our world and makes our planet a more delightful, amazing and colorful place to live.



C. Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Pursuing higher studies abroad has become a popular choice for students from around the globe. Each year, young people spend thousands of dollars to travel, live and study in universities, colleges and schools overseas. In my view, this life-changing decision is based on the premise that education is an investment in one’s future. My opinion is based on academic, professional and personal reasons.

In my opinion, the primary reason for studying abroad is academic. Students wish to reap the benefits associated with attending a reputable educational institute. In addition, gaining admission to prestigious college or university is often regarded as an achievement in itself. The quality of the academic programs, the level of specialized instruction and the availability of professional resources are all high. It is no wonder that students long to graduate from well-known institutes.

From a professional viewpoint, graduating from foreign universities is often a gateway to a successful career. The connection is direct and provides strong motivation for young people to study abroad. The hope is that such graduates have an added advantage over their peers in a highly competitive job market. In some cases, top students from prestigious universities land job offers even before completing their studies. Furthermore, well-known corporations vie to attract the fresh new talent, who will help achieve corporate profitability in the future.

From a personal angle, studying abroad enables young people to mature quickly and develop independence. For instance, joining a foreign academic institution is often the first experience students have of living away from parents, siblings and friends. In one’s home country, this strong nexus provides support, assistance and guidance. However, while abroad, students must overcome the initial homesickness and culture shock, conform to a different teaching style, adapt to unfamiliar social and cultural expectations and develop proficiency in a new language. These challenging tasks enable youngsters to emerge with greater maturity and self-confidence.

In conclusion, the desire to study abroad is based on several concrete benefits for students in terms of the present and the future. This is why most students would gladly accept an opportunity to go abroad and would work quite diligently to turn this opportunity into a resounding success.



D. Some people think that family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence in young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.

As social beings, we are naturally influenced by those we meet in the course of our lives. This is particularly true for young people, whose character and personality are still malleable. Although friends play a central role in the lives of teenagers, in my opinion, it is the family which has a greater impact on young people. My view is based on psychological, intellectual and financial reasons.

Psychologically, the family is the central grounding factor for a young person, because the parents, brothers and sisters are the ones who actually love him or her. It is through thousands of life situations and family discussions that norms, values, customs, traditions and expectations are passed on to the youngster. The depth of relationship, developed over the years through shared joys and sorrows, place family members in an incomparably close bond which cannot easily be replicated by friends or anyone else. 

Intellectually, the family impacts the young person’s ability to think. Parents create the intellectual climate in the home. Whether children develop the habit of reading, studying hard or striving to achieve their goals depends largely on the parents' example. Whether youngsters agree or disagree with their parents’ political or religious views, the family remains a reference point against which young people develop their individuality. In Asian cultures, where respect for elders is an important value, the family plays an even more central role in shaping the young person's world view.

Financially, the family influences the youngster by providing a certain type of lifestyle. Home, school, friends, hobbies, clothes, holidays and material possessions - all of these are impacted by the family's prosperity. The same holds true for the youngster growing up in a poor family- a totally different reality will surround that young person. No friend could have this powerful or tangible an influence on the teenager.

In conclusion, though friends can have a strong influence on a young person, it is finally the family which provides the more powerful backdrop in a young person’s life. The family's influence is permanent, unforgettable and inescapable.